Associate in Law Enforcement Technology

准备在执法与newbb电子科学(AAS)副学士学位执法技术(LET)从newbb电子平台的职业生涯. 无论你是想进入执法领域,还是已经在这个领域工作,并努力在你的职业生涯中取得进步, newbb电子平台的执法技术副学士学位可以帮助你实现你的目标.  

执法技术newbb电子科学副学士课程为学生提供传统文科的广泛学术背景, supplemented by critical technical training. 寻求学士学位的学生可以将LET项目的专业培训和学分newbb电子于刑事司法学士学位, available through all newbb电子平台 campuses, and 俄亥俄州 Online.  

Career Opportunities


  • Federal: CIA, US Secret Service, IRS, Military Police, Border Patrol
  • State: State police, 高速公路巡警, fish and wildlife agencies, crime laboratories, narcotics bureaus
  • Local: Local police and sheriff’s departments
  • 惩戒:缓刑官、假释官、监狱保安官、少年法庭官
  • Private: plant/industrial security, insurance investigator, retail store security, private security, private investigation

Work Experience Credit

对LET项目感兴趣的学生有机会newbb电子他们之前的课程, 相关工作经验和完成的大学学分证书.


LET计划以在线形式提供给已经在职的个人, or other students desiring schedule flexibility. 学生可以完全在线完成LET核心课程以及LET管理或惩戒管理专业领域所需的课程. General education support courses are also available in an online delivery. 在线学生应联系LET项目协调员以获取有关在线选项的进一步信息.


LET课程可以是全日制的,也可以是兼职的,有白天和晚上的课程. Students typically start fall semester, but may enter the program at any point during the academic calendar. Full-time students should take 15 or more credit hours per semester. 非全日制学生可以按照自己的意愿攻读执法管理或惩戒管理专业学位, 然而, a minimum of seven credit hours of course work each semester is recommended. 完成学位要求的学生将获得执法技术newbb电子科学副学士学位.

Financial 资源

Students are eligible for many different financial aid resources including:

  • Federal Grants and Loans
  • newbb电子平台 Scholarships
  • State Grants and Loans

To begin the process, apply for financial aid by submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

General Education

俄亥俄州 believes that, as an educated person, 为了有效地参与社会,你需要一定的智力技能. These include: the ability to communicate through the written word, the ability to use quantitative or symbolic reasoning, and broad knowledge of the major fields of learning. Therefore, students must take general education courses to complete a degree.

More information

Complete program information is available in the University Catalog.


入学s Information

除了大学一年级的入学要求外,没有其他要求. 要获得入学资格,学生必须是高中毕业生或GED接受者.

Declaring this Degree

联系 the University College office at 740.593.1935 or visit Chubb Hall 140 to update your degree program. 

Alumni Testimonials



—玛丽吉布森, Associate in Applied Science, Law Enforcement Technology, 2014


“The Law Enforcement Technology program sticks with me to this day. It was more than the education; it was the conversations, and words of wisdom. If you want to be a police officer, you’ll make great connections. You are going to be able to help people. 你有机会在人们最脆弱的时候对他们产生巨大的影响.”


What are the minimum criteria to graduate with any associate degree?
  • Complete at least 60 credits with a minimum 2.0 accumulative GPA.
  • 通过体验式学习计划获得的学分不得超过15个.
  • Earn at least 20 semester hours of residence credit at newbb电子平台.

If you plan to pursue an associate degree, 向大学学院的工作人员或地区校区的学生服务人员咨询.

What is the policy on earning a second associate degree?




Credit earned while enrolled in an newbb电子平台 associate degree program will be applied toward an newbb电子平台 baccalaureate program; 然而, 这种转变可能需要两年多的时间来完成四年的要求,因为先决条件课程可能还没有完成, 在大多数四年制学位课程中,技术课程只能作为选修课.

If you expect to eventually complete a baccalaureate degree, or you are completing a bachelor's degree concurrently, 如果可能的话,你应该在攻读副学士学位的同时完成newbb电子平台的通识教育要求. Speak with an adviser to stay on track. 

How do I declare intent to complete an associate degree, or add it to my declared bachelor's degree major?

If you plan to earn an associate degree, you must complete an Application for Update of Program(s) form, available from any college office or regional campus student services office.

If you plan to earn a baccalaureate degree after earning the associate degree, 你必须填写课程更新申请表,将副学士学位课程添加为二级代码. Your records will remain in University College if that is your current college; if 不, 你的记录将保留在负责你学士学位课程的学院.

Can I earn an associate degree after I earn a baccalaureate degree?


On the other hand, 一般, 俄亥俄州高等教育局认为副学士学位是大学的前两年, 因此,该学位只能在获得学士学位之前或与学士学位同时获得. The Associate in Arts or the Associate in Science degree is 如果你已经获得了学士学位,一个适合你的学位目标. 如果学生已经获得了四年制学位,那么他们就没有资格获得AAS、AA或AS学位.


Associate Professor
Law Enforcement Technology Program Coordinator