

俄亥俄州 赞斯维尔 offers many different student organizations and clubs empowering students to explore a wide variety of involvement opportunities on and off campus. These organizations and clubs promote involvement in advocacy, 治理, 文化, 宗教, 服务, 艺术, 体育, 和更多的.

Organizations and clubs are a great way to enhance your educational experience and offer a forum for critical reflection, 领导力发展, 社区参与. Students who are involved in a student organization and/or club have the opportunity to meet new people, 培养领导能力, 追求自己的激情, 获得有价值的知识, contribute to the 俄亥俄州 赞斯维尔 community and beyond.


顾问: J贾斯廷艾萨克

书更好读书俱乐部 is a club with the 赞斯维尔校区 图书馆. 


顾问: 丽塔Ng

The 沟通 Studies Club (COMS Club) promotes professional and personal development among students interested in 沟通 Studies through leadership and networking opportunities where students can enhance communication skills critical to work and life.

CRU -校园基督十字军


顾问: 克里斯蒂沃森

Cru is a community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ.  The student organization's hope is to give students the opportunity to grow in their faith and form meaningful relationships with others.  Join them for Bible Study each week!  For the most recent schedule and location check the campus calendar or connect with 克里斯蒂沃森.


顾问: 拉里Tumblin



顾问: 贾斯汀以撒

识字与想象之友 is a 服务 organization that brings together literary and 服务 projects to promote awareness of 服务s provided by the 赞斯维尔校区 图书馆. 


顾问: Dr. Shadi Abu-Baker

绿newbb电子平台队是你的出路, 的newbb电子平台, to protect and get involved with the community and help clean up the environment with fellow faculty and student members.


顾问: 拉里Tumblin

书呆子俱乐部 is a student interest club that focuses on everything you can nerd out about: board games, 视频游戏, 星球大战, 动漫, 奇迹, any other interest areas you can conjure. This year will also mark the start of 书呆子俱乐部 partnering with the 雅典的电子竞技俱乐部 支持竞争. 


οα is a professional student association designed to enhance your college career and focus on a professional development in the field of 沟通 Studies.


顾问: 艾米白

The purpose of this organization shall be to raise awareness and acceptance of people of all sexual orientations on the newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校 and Zane State College Campus. Our goal is to act as a support network for people of all sexual orientations and lifestyles. 

Rising Educators of 俄亥俄州 赞斯维尔 (REOUZ)


顾问: Jen Lisy

Rising Educators of 俄亥俄州 赞斯维尔 (REOUZ) is open to all Education majors. REOUZ provides networking opportunities and conducts campus 社区参与 activities. You will have opportunities to support each other while collaborating with individuals who have a passion for education.


顾问: 夏天雅各布斯, 凯蒂·麦卡蒂希瑟金沙

扶轮青年服务团 is an opportunity for students across 俄亥俄州 赞斯维尔 and Zane State College to collaborate and exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, have fun through 服务 to the community.  Join this group to take action in regular 服务s projects in your community and make an impact!  

体育 & 康乐会(SRC)

顾问: 凯西Normansell

The SRC is open to any student, regardless of major.  The group schedules fun monthly activities both on and off campus, 包括:飞盘高尔夫, 宇宙保龄球, 在春晚和秋晚的比赛中, 和更多的.  The Sport and Rec Lounge is open daily (Elson 245) for students to drop in and shoot some pool, 打nerf篮球, play corn-hold or just relax on a comfy chair.  Join the group to receive email updates on club activities.


Social Work Student Association (SWSA)

顾问: 利亚Vensil

The OUZ Social Work Student Association is open to all individuals interested in becoming a professional social worker.  As a group, the students participate in school, community, state events.  The SWSA is a great place to meet other social work students, network with community leaders and agencies, 并成长为一名专业人士.  

Student Nurses Association of 赞斯维尔 (SNAZ)

顾问: 米歇尔Crabb or 特蕾莎修女标注

Student nurses participate in personal and professional development activities designed to bring together in-服务 and pre-服务 nurses. You'll have the opportunity to learn communication skills, work as a team and establish professional health care contacts helpful for job seeking upon graduation. 


顾问: Korcaighe黑尔

Interested in discovering new tea or drinks from across the world?  Join Tea Club for monthly meetings to discover more about various teas from across the world.